CS491 Empires of Embers Final
Final project for CS 491- AI in Games in the Spring 2023 semester at the University of Nevada, Reno. A real-time strategy game developed by Curtis Burchfield and John Busse, demonstrating A* pathfinding with Unity NavMesh for group movement, and basic behavior tree logic for the enemy AI commander.
The main goal is to capture and hold the four control points around the map, which generate points for the team that owns them. The first team to obtain 75 points wins the match. Gatherer units collect wood to buy units. Scout and Fire Dude units capture points and automatically attack enemy units in range.
WASD: Move camera forward/backward/left/right
QE: Rotate camera yaw
RF: Rotate camera pitch
Left click: Select unit, interact with UI buttons.
Right click: Give unit move command
Control + Left Click: Click and drag box selection
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